Our final meeting in May 2019 was a great success. The week started with training on stakeholder management processing, career development, grant success review , and an outreach activity planned and realized by the ESRs.
This was followed by the GlyCoCan final conference, on 9 May 2019, hosted by Prof. dr. Govert Somsen and Dr. Ing. Sandra van Vliet at the Vrije University of Amsterdam, and co-organized by GlyCoCan ESRs Valeriia Kuzyk and Anthanasios Blanas. The conference was focused on ‘TRANSLATIONAL GLYCOBIOLOGY – TOWARDS THE TREATMENT OF CANCER’ with keynote lectures from world-leading scientists, including the distinguished cancer glycobiologist Celso Reis and the Spinoza prize awardee Prof. Yvette van Kooyk. Moreover, the 13 GlyCoCan ESRs provided an excellent overview on their developed technologies and findings obtained during the last three years within GlyCoCan. See the full program HERE.
During the closing meeting on Friday the team discussed latest updates on research and training and evaluated GlyCoCan outreach and dissemination. All ESRs ended the day with a workshop on their future career perspectives which they organized themselves.