Training Programme
The GlyCoCan consortium offers trainings in the fields of (structural) glycobiology, carbohydrate (bio) chemistry, (cancer) glycoproteomics and glycomics, glyco-immunology, oncology, haematology and pathology, quality management as well as industrial RD&I experiences.
Training is provided thourgh 13 individual inter-disciplinary Early Stage Research projects, which target different aspects of the GlyCoCan scientific program and which combined guarantee the coverage of all the research objectives.
The main training consists of a doctoral research project, complemented with transferable skills training programmes and short stays/secondments at other highly competent academic and industrial partners from the fields of glycobiology and glycoimmunology. The training will secure a strong interdisciplinary education of the ESRs, and will guarantee the best background for a successful career in both academia and industry. Each academic ESR is further embedded in the local, most appropriate graduate/research school.
Network-wide training activities will include events and workshops as well as local courses and participation in (inter)national conferences.
- Training on CRC, cancer and glycomics/proteomics from the very beginning, in the form of lectures and workshops
- E-learning course on Glycobiology and Glycochemistry
- Workshop (Lectures and practicals) on current industrial methods for glycoanalysis
- Research and Quality Management workshops
- Communication skills workshops
- Data analysis workshops
- Business & Career workshops
- Doctoriales workshop, aiming at the preparation of the PhD student to integrate into company environment